hymns boot camp guide on piano marvel

Hymns Boot Camp Guide using Piano Marvel

Learn Piano Using the Hymns Fast

Do you want to learn piano fast? Do you want to learn the hymns on piano? Do you want to lean to play the piano in record time? Learn piano fast using the Hymns Boot Camp in the Piano Marvel app.

But what is the hymns boot camp and how can it help you? This boot camp is an immersion learning system just like programs in foreign countries that teach language immersion. Whether you have never played the piano before or you are an intermediate pianist, this course will have you reading the hymns in record time. This immersion boot camp uses hymns to help you:

  1. learn to play the hymns on piano fast
  2. learn to sight read any hymn
  3. once you learn to play hymns, there are many other musical genres you can play

Hymns Boot Camp Performance

To give you an idea of what one of the hymns sounds like, here I am playing “Now Let Us Rejoice” fro the Easy Hymn Bootcamp:

Hymns Made Easy Boot Camp Song: “Now Let Us Rejoice”

Finding Piano Marvel to learn to play piano online

I started learning piano eight months ago. After reviewing a variety of online and local piano lesson options, I chose PianoMarvel as my go to piano learning option. Piano Marvel is a great online app for beginner to advanced piano students to use to level-up their playing skills very quickly. I have been following the apps curriculum every day using their method and technique sections to improve my piano playing skills.

Recently my friend Michelle Robison hosted an online group hymns course that I was a part of and it really helped me. It is through her influence that I started the Hymns Made Easy boot camp and decided to make this guide. She is an amazing teacher. These were her main teaching points:

  • Setting up an account with Piano Marvel
  • Hooking-up your midi enabled keyboard
  • Finding The Hymns Made Easy Boot Camp in the Library section of Piano Marvel
  • Using the amazing tools available in the app to learn our first hymn
  • Guidance and instruction on how to ergonomically play the piano correctly.

By the way, there are two hymns boot camps to choose from. There is the “Hymns Made Easy Boot Camp” and the “Selected Hymns Boot Camp”.

The “Easy” boot camp is probably where most players should start unless you are really proficient at sight reading. When you are consistently scoring 80% or higher, than you can skip to the “Selected” boot camp if you wish. The “Easy” boot camp is a modified, easier version of the normal hymns. The “Selected” hymn boot camp is the full, unmodified version of the hymn.

Here is a YouTube guide for getting started with the learn to play piano hymns boot camp:

Hymns Boot Camp Guide on YouTube

A word of caution when starting the boot camp: don’t expect a good score when you first start. In fact, more likely than not, your score will be terrible. Even if your piano playing level is late beginner, your initial scores will most likely be awful. This is to be expected.

Let’s use learning a new language as an example. You would not expect to know how to speak and read a new language. If you were to take an immersion language course and were graded on it, would you expect to even get a 15% or 20% out of 100% if you know next to nothing about the language? Would any score bother you in this imaginary language immersion course? Probably not because you are not expected to know anything at first.

It’s the same thing with the Piano Marvel learn to sight read and play piano boot camp. When you start the boot camp, you’re immediately asked to sight read and play. Through repetition you learn how to play. This immersion approach is difficult at first but stick with it.

Know that if you play this boot camp every day, you will learn to play and sight read the hymns very quickly. You will also be able to play any style of music, within your current ability. This technique is completely transferable and gives you a solid base to play piano.


Here is a Piano Marvel story regarding Connor. The link to the full Piano Marvel instruction guide to learning the hymns boot camp is available at the bottom of the page under More Information:

Story: (May 30, 2016) * Reproduced with permission from Piano Marvel *

Let me share a great story with you. I have found that piano teachers can be the greatest skeptics, but hang onto your britches! This is a true story that happened two weeks ago.

I have a personal goal to get 100 people from our stake to complete the boot camp by the end of 2017. I have been able to personally start over 20 new students in the past 2 weeks. I am surprised at the number of adults that have shown interest.

One such adult is Conner who just received a mission call to Tallahassee Florida. I told him that if he went through the boot camp in two months he would be able to play the hymns on his mission. He agreed!

Conner has never played the piano in his life and some people, his mother included, were very skeptical that he could learn to read in 2 months. Here is Conner’s’ reading at week 2, having never played the piano before.

Connor Hymns Made Easy Boot Camp First Few Weeks Summary

The first column is the first stage, which is just to read the right hand with all three speeds. He was allowed to play each one ONLY once, then move to the next. We were amazed that with no lessons at all that he was able to read at 16% (not shown on the chart above) but by the time he reached page 20, There is Sunshine In My Soul Today, he was already up to 30%. 10 days later you can see that he is reading some of the songs at 80%, 90% and even 96%.

Conner is not alone. There are others that have the same experience and some have shown even faster growth.

Aaron Garner – pianomarvel.com


In this Hymns Boot Camp Guide using Piano Marvel, you have learned that by using the Piano Marvel Hymns Boot Camp, you will learn to play piano and sight read in a very short time.  If you play these songs every day, you will be shocked by what you can play in the first month. Just understand that your score in the beginning will be low but will improve quickly with practice.

Create an Account

I loved Piano Marvel so much when I first started that I became an affiliate. Do me a favor and use this link HERE to sign up or use the promo code “Chris” manually when creating an account. You will get a free month trial and a $3 off the current monthly price of $15.99. It will help you and me at the same time. Good Playing!

Questions and Comments

If you have any questions or comments, leave them below. If you start to learn piano with this boot camp let me and others know how you’re doing, let us know in the comments section. Also please don’t hesitate to ask anything, I would love to help. I’ve been using Piano Marvel every day since I started eight months ago and am an active partisans in a Piano Marvel Facebook group; so if I don’t know the answer, I know someone that does.

More Information:

  1. Special Thanks to Michelle Robison! Check out her channel and subscribe at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP9Lyp79L88SyBuhzrz5OEw/videos
  2. Piano Marvel guide to the Hymns Boot Camp – Click on hymns boot camp instructions: http://learntoplaythehymns.com/read-hymns/

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